British Gas Selects AlertMe For Smart Meter Advice Service

  • Posted on: 22 May 2012
  • By: Patrick Oliphant

AlertMeBritish Gas has selected AlertMe to offer what it calls “Personalised Energy Efficiency Advice Service” (PEEAS) to its smart meter customers in the UK.  Under the agreement, data from customers smart meters will be manage and analyse by AlertMe to help customers manage their energy.  According to AlertMe they will be conducting a pilot of up to 10,000 homes starting this summer.

British Gas is a major shareholder in AlertMe after buying a 15.96 percent stake in the business in 2010. British Gas already provides customers with an AlertMe in-home energy display as part of its Energy Smart Tariff. However, for the PEEAS AlertMe said they will be rolling out their 'Big Data' services based on smart meter data to provide energy customers with unprecedented, relevant, personalised and actionable information.

The partnership will mean that data from smart meters will be translated into valuable, personalised insights for British Gas customers that could help them to save millions on energy bills every year. The service will provide customer with an easy-to-understand breakdown of their energy use, and information on how they compare to other similar households.

"This is a great opportunity to ensure that customers benefit from smart meters above and beyond just getting an accurate bill,” Mary Turner AlertMe CEO. “We can take the smart meter information, put it in context and make the most relevant recommendations to help customers make simple decisions that can save them a lot of money."
