C3 Energy Announces New Smart Grid Analytics Solutions
C3 Energy today releases three new smart grid analytics applications (C3 Asset and System Risk, C3 Customer Reliability and Safety, and C3 Grid Investment Planning) for the utility sector. C3 also announced C3 AMI Operations, an application that enabling utilities to track the deployment status and operation of AMI meters.
In the true meaning of the term “smart grid”, C3’s Asset & System Risk solution enables utilities to be proactive in spotting assets that are at high risk of failure and with a large impact on customers. It has the ability to track and monitor assets health in real-time. Systems such as substations, power lines or pole-top transformers are repair or replace, minimising downtime to the infrastructure.
With the C3 Customer Reliability & Safety platform utilities manage and understand the impact that actual and potential outages, asset failures, and grid investments can have on their customer base. It leverages the data integrated by the platform to assess reliability and service impacts at a customer or meter level.
C3 Grid Investment Planning helps build informed business cases for asset replacement. The application ranks grid investment portfolio alternatives based on a cash flow analysis and impact to system and customer reliability and helps build informed business cases for asset replacement.
C3 Grid Investment Planning reduces operations and maintenance (O&M) expenses and helps optimize capital expenditures by directing investments to the circuits that are at the greatest risk of outage.
C3 Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Operations offers utilities the opportunity to gain new insights into both the health of grid assets and the quality of the customer experience.
AMI Operations identifies the smart meter software/firmware issues; diagnose physical meter and communications issues; and streamline processes to resolve work orders.
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