IBM, STMicroelectronics and Shaspa Demo Smarter Home Initiative
IBM is collaborating with STMicroelectronics and Shaspa as part of a smarter home initiative, to create a cloud solution for service providers. All three companies will be at this year’s CES to demonstrate the solution, which features a TV linked to ST’s home gateway, running software from Shaspa and connected to the IBM cloud infrastructure.
All three businesses said the solution is driven by the desire to offer manufacturers and service providers innovative ways for us to manage and interact with home appliances connected to the network.
Using the power of the cloud and mobile technology homeowners will be able to access manage appliances in the home such as heating, security, lighting and washing machines. The solution will offer support for those with limited mobility e.g. gesture control.
For the project ST’s Home Gateway and Shaspa’s embedded software acts as a bridge between the home and cloud services provided by IBM SmartCloud, offering manufacturers a cloud platform manage smart devices.
The gateway is based on a STiH416, provides the physical connectivity, provisioning and management middleware, application protocols, and interfaces for connecting and controlling the “Internet of Things”. The connected home System-on-Chip runs software including Linux and a service management sytem compliant with the OSGi industry standard.
Key applications include: IBM Worklight and MQ Series to help transmit the data to mobile devices, Shaspa Mobile Interface embedded software that enables users to control and manage their home devices.