New Digital Home Entertainment Systems Market Report

  • Posted on: 22 January 2014
  • By: chw staff

The value of the world’s digital home entertainment systems market* has increased by over $3 US billion from 2012 to 2013, this is according to a report from Publications. Entitled "Digital Entertainment in the Home: Technologies and Global Markets", they estimated that by 2018 the market is expected to grow to US $176.3 billion, and register a five-year compound annual growth rate of 3.2% from 2012 to 2018.

The reported highlighted a number of factors that is stimulating this increase.  The growth in broadband access and the move from analogue to digital combined with power silicon chip is driving the uptake in home entertainment systems. We now have more ways of entertaining ourselves whether it’s via the TV, gaming or Video-on-Demand, we are also the more options to access and view content on multiple devices: PCs, gaming stations, mobile devices.

“Rising incomes and standards of living have combined with technical advances to increase the attractiveness of technologies that promise to enhance the owner's quality of life. Additionally, the declining cost and complexity of new home entertainment products are helping to attract new buyers. Until recently, the cost of quality home entertainment components was prohibitive for all but the enthusiast market.” pointed out that despite the increase in cost to train installers and to get someone to install the system for you; other factors such as universial standards in wired and wireless connectivity are making it easier for households to implement these systems.  Similar factors are also influencing the Home Media Server market which is estimated to worth approximately US$141.3 billion in the next four years.

*The revenue comes from North American, European, and Asian markets, the full report can be access from the website.
