Sneak Peek of Enspert Android-Based Home Network Hub - IDENTITY S200

  • Posted on: 7 January 2011
  • By: chw staff

s200Enspert debuts a new Android based digital home network hub at CES, called the IDENTITY S200.  The IDENTITY S200 is a SoIP (Service over Internet Protocol) tablet device optimized for the home network and designed for next-generation media convergence. With integrated support for data sharing and smart grid enabled device management, the IDENTITY S200 can connect to DLNA certified, Bluetooth and Wireless devices.

The IDENTITY S200 home network hub is part of Enspert product ecosystem which supports maximum connectivity between neighboring multimedia devices using the ConvergenceOne platform, the optimal solution for 3-screen media convergence in IP-based fixed/wireless integrated network environments.

identity s200

The IDENTITY S200 features the ability for you to download and enjoy multimedia content and applications from the Android market; multimedia content sharing across a wide range of devices, like, tablets, smart mobile handsets, PCs and TVs; home monitoring and appliance management from one device via media convergence and cloud interconnectivity and Android UI-based VoIP video calling.

"The IDENTITY S200 will initially launch in Korea later this month, but we will be announcing commitments from Japan, the U.S. and other leading markets in the coming months as well," said Chang-Suk Lee, CEO of Enspert.
